What are the types of ice cream machine and the scope of application


Ice cream is the hottest summer dessert in summer. If y […]

Ice cream is the hottest summer dessert in summer. If you want to open an ice cream shop, ice cream machines are definitely indispensable, but there are so many types of ice cream machines on the market, and different types of ice cream machines make different ice creams, then What are the types of ice cream machines and what ice creams are they suitable for?
According to the shape and structure
According to the shape and structure of ice cream machine, we can divide it into desktop ice cream machine and vertical ice cream machine. The desktop ice cream machine is suitable for use in places with limited operating space, such as bars and coffee shops, while the desktop ice cream machine is the opposite.
According to the type of ice cream produced and the scope of application
According to the type of ice cream produced, it can be divided into hard ice cream machine and soft ice cream machine. As the name implies, the ice cream produced by these two ice cream machines is mainly divided into soft and hard.
Soft ice cream machine
The soft ice cream machine is actually KFC or McDonald's fancy ice cream. Sundae and other general soft ice creams must be made with an ice cream machine. It is a variable-flow solid-state frozen dessert with a particularly delicate and smooth taste.

High-quality soft ice cream melts at the entrance. Some businesses on the market add stabilizers (curing agents) to the ice cream ingredients in order to not melt at room temperature for a long time. Appropriate stabilizers can keep the ice cream from melting for a long time, but the more stabilizers added The lower the quality of more ice cream.
Hard ice cream machine
The hard ice cream machine is similar to the ice cream made by freezing in the refrigerator at home. Of course, the effect and efficiency are far inferior to the hard ice cream machine. The hard ice cream machine is mainly a ball ice cream used for making fancy ice cream.

Because hard ice cream has a relatively high requirement for quick freezing, that is, after the ice cream machine produces soft ice cream, it is placed in a freezer below -20 degrees. By quick freezing, the moisture of the ice cream is prevented from forming ice particles, and the texture of the ice cream is kept delicate. If you want to do Italian ice cream hard ice cream is your best choice.

Hard ice cream machines are used in stalls, workshops, restaurants, hotels and ice cream manufacturers. Generally, to make hard ice cream, you need to prepare a hard ice cream display cabinet with a cooling temperature of -18 to -23 degrees.
Multi-head ice cream machine
The multi-head ice cream machine is actually a multi-flavor ice cream machine. The general ice cream machine has only one storage tank, one refrigeration cylinder and one discharge port. One port can only make ice cream of one color and one flavor, and the multi-head ice cream machine means that the ice cream can be simultaneously Make ice cream of various flavors, generally divided into three, five and seven.

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